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Rising Star: Makeup By Flynnderella

A Special Effects Makeup Artist has the power to bring to life out-of-this-world characters against bizarre backdrops set in just about any time period — past or future. No, they’re not Magicians; Special Effects Makeup Artists do it through the artistry of the makeup they apply and the prosthetics they create. They’re masters at applying makeup, creating molds and casts, designing, and fabricating.

Dawn Flynn’s skills in Cosmetology and her morbid curiosity combined with her talent allows her the versatility to do anything from beauty to SFX makeup. She has the unique opportunity to express herself creatively in her work, without bounds or limitations. Whether aging an actor today, or creating an out-of-this-world monster the next, whatever you can dream up, Dawn can create on a human canvas.

Dawn grew up loving art, and she knew right away after trying makeup FX that she had found her lifelong career. She did everything she could to learn more, from attending vocational art school to making molds in her apartment. One day she was watching Face Off, the TV series on SyFy, and thought, “wow I could really try to do something like that, because I always took art in school.” So, she ordered scar wax and liquid latex and she tried her hand at the Chelsea Grin from a video she saw on YouTube. From that moment on she knew she was hooked.

It took us only one picture to become completely obsessed with Dawn and her work, and truly, we were shocked to learn that she is almost entirely self-taught, mostly from YouTube tutorials. She doesn’t use any high-end professional makeup – most of the materials she uses for the gory special effects, apart from the latex, are homemade. She’s got serious talent. She’s also got a very vivid imagination. There is no such thing as getting a little too carried away with her creations, in her particular line of work, over the top is the norm.

We recently had the opportunity to pick Dawn’s brain with some questions. She shared stories of both triumph and frustration and the lessons she believes anyone can learn from enduring both.

The Ink Well: Was there a particular film that inspired you to be a makeup artist?

Dawn: My father was a big influence on my Sci-Fi addiction, and we both drove my mother crazy with our weirdness, but she loves us just the same. We’d watch “Twilight Zone” and all those crazy weird late night shows and movies. I’d have to say “Creature From The Black Lagoon” and Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead.”

The Ink Well: What films from your childhood influenced your decision to get into a career in makeup/special effects?

Dawn: A few favorites are Hellraiser, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, High Tension, and American Mary. I could go on forever.

The Ink Well: Which is your favorite special effect (creature or scene)?

Dawn: Friday the 13th, when Jason’s mother gets her head chopped off. If you actually pay attention to that scene when she lifts her hands, you can see the hairy knuckles of Tom Savini’s assistant, because he is the one who actually wore the prosthetic head when it got chopped off.

The Ink Well: Do you have a favorite makeup artist?

Dawn: Of course, Tom Savini, but I’d really have to say Nicole Chilelli. She was the winner of Face Off season 3. I actually befriended her on Facebook, and she has helped me learn so many new techniques. She’s an amazing artist, makeup artist and person. The fact that she takes the time out to actually speak to me and give me constructive criticism when I need it really means a lot to me.

The Ink Well: Looking back on your past projects, which of them stands out to you as being a particular favorite?

Dawn: I’d have to say my first successful special effects makeup tutorial of my Bride of Frankenstein. I never really used an airbrush for makeup, and one night I just said, “you know what? I’m going to film myself doing this and if I mess up I can learn from it.” To this day I think it’s one of the best tutorials I have ever done and am actually proud of. Some projects I pick apart and say I could have, should have ya know?

The Ink Well: In school, did everyone go to you for help with their Halloween makeup?

Dawn: To be honest, I never really did anyone’s makeup until about four years ago, when I started doing special effects and my friends and family would let me practice on them.

The Ink Well: How do you further learn/enhance your skill set (ie: mentors, influences, schooling)?

Dawn: I watch a lot of tutorials and read books, and I do get the occasional help from other makeup artists. I’m self-taught and I think I may remain that way with the occasional help from tutorials and other makeup artists.

The Ink Well: What are some of the most difficult challenges you’ve overcome?

Dawn: I’m extremely shy and awkward, and I know that sounds crazy, because of my hair and tattoos. You’d think I’d be one of the most confident people in the world. I always hated public speaking, because I hated people staring at me. I’m my own worst critic when it comes to the final product of my makeup. But slowly I’m becoming more comfortable with meeting new people and not being so hard on myself about my makeup and art.

The Ink Well: What is your most memorable experience?

Dawn: I’d have to say my very first body painting experience. I was asked by a fellow makeup artist to help him at an event for a photo shoot, and I told him, “look man, I’ve never body painted a person in my entire life,” and he said, “don’t worry about that, I think with your skills you’ll be fine.” So, there was my shy awkward ass in a building full of naked girls running around, with very little heat, but I’m supposed to airbrush and paint these chicks. I painted Venom from Spiderman on this one girl and a few other girls, and initially I thought it was an all girls event. Suddenly, I turn around and there’s a naked guy in all his glory, standing in front of me, who said he needed painted, as he held his junk. I swear to God, I think my face was as red as a tomato. I got about half way through the job, and then grabbed my friend and said, “I’m not touching him down there. You do it.” I was laughed at in all good fun. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.

The Ink Well: Are there any helpful hints, or advice you would give people who wish to pursue a career in makeup/special effects?

Dawn: Well, you know, you can always use household products to create some sort of gory Halloween makeup if you don’t have enough money for a zombie costume. Grab some Elmer’s glue, toilet paper, corn syrup and some red food dye and you got yourself a costume. Be patient. Always be willing to learn from others. And take criticism as a guide not an insult.

The Ink Well: Are you working on any current projects?

Dawn: I’m currently working on more tutorials for my YouTube channel, and I’d like to start collaborating with other local makeup artists on some cool ideas I have for my channel.

The Ink Well: Is there anything else you’d like to tell your fans?

Dawn: Be weird. Be awkward. Be yourself. Don’t let anyone bring you down. Be the person who exudes love, happiness and creativeness, as naturally as the sun gives out heat. Don’t ever give up.

Hearing Dawn talk about her goals for the future is inspiring. The passion in her voice proves there’s a reason why she’s had such a successful following. She knows what she’s talking about and she loves sharing her knowledge with others. She also has an incredible drive to keep learning and mastering new skills.

We know you’re just as excited to see the looks that Dawn is still dying to create, so you’re going to want to keep up with her and her progress throughout her journey. Be sure to stop by and subscribe to her YouTube channel, or add her on Facebook to keep up with her latest creations.

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